首页 > 专题2020 > “疫情防控中的中西方人权观比较”国际视频研讨会 > 第二单元:人权保障与抗击新冠疫情 >


2020-06-02 14:21:30来源:中国人权网






As COVID-19 has become an ongoing pandemic in the past four months, governments across the globe have been taking measures known as ‘social distancing’ or ‘flattening the curve’ some of which are considered to be intrusive to individual freedoms and rights and hence resulted in a number of claims against governments’ anti- COVID actions. These cases and debates alike all concern a fundamental issue that deserves timely clarifica- tions: whether and to what extent can a government be held liable for damages arising from its actions? To that end, this article has two tasks to fulfil: first, explaining what elements constitute the ground for recognising government liability (i.e. normative bases)? And second, detailing what factors would suffice to establish gov- ernment lability (i.e. essential elements)? It does so from a comparative perspective, hoping to uncover both similarities and differences in the government liability mechanisms in various legal systems. It concludes with a reflection upon hypothetical consequences of initiating a lawsuit against governments’ anti-COVID-19 actions.

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