首页 > 专题2017 > 第六届跨文化人权研讨会 > 观点精粹 >

Constructing a Community of Shared Future for Both Men and Women via Yin-yang Philosophy
2017-12-14 14:36:21   来源:   作者:Qinxuan PENG

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This article attempts to picture the possibility of usingyin-yang philosophy to construct a community of shared future for both men and women, to see if Chinese traditionalwisdom can be used to spread international modern ideals.

The article advances in three parts: Firstly, it introduces the origin of yin-yang philosophy, the characteristics of yin and yang, the primary principle of yin-yang mutual inclusion and mutual reinforcement. Secondly, it explains the concept of gender in comparison with sex, and the implication of gender equality in the international legal context. Thirdly, it tries to match the idea of yin-yang interaction, mutual inclusion, mutual reinforcement, to explain how to understand a) sex and gender, b) gender as a multilateral concept, c) an equal evaluation of femininity and masculinity in each individual, d) a community of shared future for both men and women as participants, responsible parties and stake-holders.

By applying Yin-yang philosophy to construct a community of shared future for both men and women, this research intends to contribute Chinese wisdom in solving global problems.

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